Points of Interest
https://melbreakcommunities.wordpress.com A great site for our neighbours in the Lorton valley
www.cumbriacvs.org.uk West Cumbria Council for Voluntary Organisations is local body aimed at supporting 3rd sector and voluntary organisations.
http://www.acre.org.uk ACRE or ‘Action with Communities in Rural England’ is a DEFRA funded body aimed at supporting rural communities and providing more specific support for village halls.
www.cumbriaaction.org.uk A local community support group based at Redhills Penrith
www.cwmet.org.uk Cumbria Waste Management Environment Trust
Council Links
Local (Dean) Parish Council: https://deanparishcouncil.com/
Allerdale Council: http://www.allerdale.gov.uk/
Household Refuse: https://abc-wrp.whitespacews.com/#!
Register Offices: https://cumbria.gov.uk/registrationservice/births_marriages_deaths.asp